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 This website contains every detail that you need to know about your local and neighboring schools. The information about students, teachers, latest on going events and school organizations will be available in the rainbow school website. You can easily track the progress of your favorite student organization, or you can start finding your old classmates with a click of a button.

Enter the school page

You can find any information pertaining to a school in this website if the school is registered with Claire's Information Ltd.

(Q)How do you login to the school search page?

  • In the rainbow homepage enter school button, then you can view your school search page.

(D1)If the school is available you can obtain all present and past details which is available.

(Q)How do you search your school by school name?

  • To search a school enter the complete school name (e.g. Maris Stella College) in a school name text box and enter search.

(D2)In a text box you have to enter your correct school name. If you have a problem with full name of your school enter only one part of school names (first or second names/ (e.g Maris or Stella) and Enter search. Then you can find your school selecting relevant school from school name list as shown on below figure.

(Q3)How do you search a school in a given city?

  • Select the country and city and enter search from search by region part.
  • Then you can find the figure as given below
  • Finally, select your relevant school from the school name list.

(Q)How do you navigate your school in a quick method?

  • You have to enter the school reference number to navigate a particular school homepage by passing intermediate pages in a quick time.

(D)You have to maintain 12 to 15 digits reference number and your reference number has to be a school international telephone number (e.g. Marist Stella College Num: 0094 - 31 - 2224777)

Find the school information

(Q) What information do you find in school information page?

  • You can navigate information of school principals, teachers, students, school leavers, past pupil's association, Major events (sports meet, award ceremonies, big match, science and prefect days.etc) and services (transport, hostels, Auditorium, Gymnasium .etc ).
  1. In the web site user can access school information in a particular school such as photo of the school, logo, school anthem song, flag history of the school, present situation of the school, postal address, state, postal code, telephone , Fax E-mail, capacity of teachers medium of teaching and latest news.

  2. Moreover, user can find about past and present principals names, photo, period of supervision, description, qualifications and contact numbers.

  3. Also, user can find teacher information such as teacher's photo, first and last name, title, postal address, state, postal code, telephone , Fax E-mail, teaching grades and subjects.

  4. In addition, you can find school year plan information such as date and time of parent days, term tests and special events.

  5. In addition, user can find about school leavers admission number, first and last name, postal address, state, postal code, telephone , Fax ,E-mail, date of birth, grade, stream and section.

  6. Also, user can find past pupil association type( junior and senior old boy), members names, year, president, vice president , secretary, emails and description of the association.

  7. Also, you can find school sports meet information such as the date of the sports meet , venue, chief guest name, name of the sports meet organization comity and events (e.g. 100M, high jump), place (e.g. 1st, 2nd or 3rd ), names, age group ( e.g. U12, U19) and records of all winners.

  8. In addition, you can find school prize giving information such as, the date of the prize giving , venue, name of the chief guest and school grade (e.g. Y12ComA), the prize winner's position (e.g. 1st, 2nd or 3rd ), winners names, type of  subjects (e.g.Business studies) and average of all winners.

Find the past and present principals profiles

(Q)How do you find the present principal profiles?

  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to information navigational field then enter the principal and enter present to find the present principal's profiles such as present principal name, picture and contact number as on shown figure below.

(Q)How do you enter the past principals information page?

  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to information navigational field then enter the principals and enter past.

(Q)How do you find a past principal by name?

  • Enter the past principal's first and last name in a particular school and enter search.

(D) Then you can find a particular principal's name as shown in the figure below

Then select the principal's name to access the principal's details such as picture of principal, period of supervision and the description.

(Q)How do you search a past principal in a particular year?

  • You have to select the year and enter search.

You can find past principal's information such as period of work, contact numbers and qualifications as shown in the above picture.

Find the teacher's profiles

(Q)How do you enter the present and past teacher's information page?

Go to information main menu then enter the teacher (present and past)

(Q)How to find a particular teacher's information in the past and current years?
  • Enter the teacher's first name, last name, select the year of teaching from the drop down menu and enter the search button to access the teacher's information such as address and classes.
If you forget teacher's surname enter only teacher's first name and enter search. Then access the teacher's details selecting the particular teacher's name from teacher's name list as shown in the figure below.

(Q)How do you navigate your teacher's profile in a quick method?
  1. Firstly, type the school reference number to enter the school information page by passing intermediate pages in a quick time.
  2. Then select teacher (present & past) from information menu in school information page.
  3. Finally, enter the teacher reference to navigate the teacher profile by passing intermediate pages in a quick time.

(D)You have to maintain 12 to 15 digits reference number and your reference number has to be a teacher international telephone number (e.g. 0094 - 31 - 2224777)

Find the year plan information

(Q)How do you enter the year plan page?

  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to information main navigation field then enter the year plan.
(Q)How do you list the all year plan information in a particular year?
  • Select the particular year from archive year plan and select view whole year from year plans, by month drop down menus, and enter search button. Then you can find the year plan of a particular year such as given in the figure below.

(Q) How do you search the information in a given month?
  • Select the particular year from archive year plan and select a month (e.g. May) from year plans, by the month drop down menus, and enter the search button. Then you can find the information of a particular month (e.g. May).
(Q) How do you search information in a given category?
  • Select the particular year from archive year plan and select a category (e.g. Annual events) from year plans, by month drop down menus, and enter search button. Then you can find the annual events in a particular year.
(Q)How do you search the information in a given description?
  • Select the particular year from archive year plan and select a description (e.g. First Term Test) from year plans, by the month drop down menus, and enter the search button. Then you can find the year plan information as shown below.

Find the school leavers profiles

(Q)How do you enter the school leaver's page?

Go to past pupils' navigational field then enter the school leavers

(Q)How do you search a school leaver in a given batch?
  • Search the school leaver entering the year of the batch and stream (e.g. bio), then enter search. To access the past pupil's details select your particular past pupil name from the past pupil's l name list as shown below.
(Q)How do you search a school leaver by name?
  • Enter the past school leaver's first and last name with year of the batch to access past pupil's full Name, Advance level Stream and class and postal address.
(Q)How do you navigate your school leaver's profile in a quick method?
  1. Firstly, type the school reference number to enter the school information page by passing intermediate pages in a quick time.
  2. Then select the school leaver from past pupil's main navigation field in the school information page.
  3. Finally, enter the school leaver's reference number to navigate the teacher's profile by passing intermediate pages.

(D)You have to maintain 12 to 15 digits reference number and your reference number has to be a school leaver international telephone number (e.g. 0094 - 31 - 2224777)

Find past pupil's association profiles

(Q)How do you enter the past pupils association page?

Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to past pupil's main navigation field then enter the past pupil's association.

(Q)What are the types of associations the past pupils have?
  • Junior old boys' association
  • Senior old boys' association

(Q)How do you access the association details?
  • Select the particular association and your year of leaving from the drop down menus and enter the show button to access your association details.
(Q)How do you search an association member?
  • Select the association and then enter the members first and last names with the year of leaving and enter the search button.
(Q)How do you navigate your association member profile in      a quick method?
  1. Firstly, type the school reference number to enter the school information page by passing intermediate pages in a quick time.
  2. Then select the past pupils' association from the past pupil's main navigation field in the school information page.
  3. Finally, enter the past pupil's reference number to navigate the past pupils' association profile by passing intermediate pages.

(D)You have to maintain 12 to 15 digits reference number and your reference number has to be a past pupil international telephone number (e.g. 0094 - 31 - 2224777) .

Find the sports meet information

(Q)How do you enter the school Sports meet page?

  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to Major events main navigation field then select the sports meet to enter the sports meet page.
(Q)How do you find the athletes 1st, 2nd and 3rd places details for a particular event?

Select the age group (e.g. U12), event type (e.g.100M), particular year (e.g. 2006) from the drop down menus and enter the search button.

You can access any events of the sports meet all time record holder's name, record holding time, year and house as show in the figure in the right.

(Q)How do you find a school sport meet participants details by entering the participants name?
  • Enter the participant's name (First or Last name), select Archive year and enter the search button..

Find the prize giving information

(Q)How do you enter the prize giving page?

  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then go to Major events main navigation field then select the prize giving to enter the prize giving page.
(Q)How do you find the prize giving winner's 1st, 2nd and 3rd places details of a particular subject?
  • Select the Grade (e.g. Y12ComA), subject (e.g. Business Studies), particular year (e.g. 2005) from the drop down menus and enter the search button.

(D)You can find place, name,and grade and Average details of winner as shown in the figure below.

(Q)How do you find a student's prize giving details by participant name?
  • Enter the participant name (First or Last name), select particular year and enter search button.

Find the teams and clubs profiles

(Q)How do you enter the teams and clubs page?
  • Enter the school information page selecting your school from the school search page. Then enter the teams and clubs main navigation field.
(Q) How do you find the staff and members of teams and clubs?
  • First select the relevant links (e.g. prefect) related to the main team and club title ( e.g. management) from the list menu as shownin the figure below.
  • Then you can find the staff and association members in the relevant teams and clubs as shown in the figure below.

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