“Let the children come to me, do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” (Mk. 10.15)
Young people are the expression of newness and expectation. The association of children and youth with our Congregations, as belonging to the same family, brings to it spiritual vitality, youthfulness, freshness of the Spirit and hope for the future, like the blossoms in a garden. The youth are the guarantee of continuity between the past and the future. Their enthusiasm and joy rejuvenate our Congregation. They manifest the Spirit’s perennial vitality and creativity.
Our mission is primarily directed to children and youth and we are comm8tted to their total development, with a special focus on faith formation. Incorporating them as Carmel Blossoms into our A.C. family, is to share with them the treasures of our spirituality and Charism in a way that they can understand and assimilate it at their level so that
- They develop a deep faith which leads to a personal commitment to Christ
- They become open to God in prayer
- Mary becomes a real presence and powerful influence in their lives
- They learn to live in love, peace and harmony with others in their family and elsewhere
- They are inspired greatly by our Foundress Mother Veronica in their lives
- They grow in a sense of responsibility towards those who are needy and helpless and reach out to them in love and service
Thus they become bearers of love, hope and joy to their families and to the world and transform it into God’s kingdom.
A Carmel Blossom in the garden of the Apostolic Carmel, is a beloved friend of Jesus, a child of Mary, imitating the virtues of Mother Veronica and sharing God’s love with others.
Details of the CB Units in Sri Lanka and Pakistan
No |
Name of the community |
Animator |
No.of Units |
Total No.CB
Children |
1. |
Borella |
Sr. Erandhi
Sr. Thiagi |
03 |
140 |
2. |
Dematagoda |
Sr. Riana |
04 |
80 |
3. |
Gampaha |
Sr. Priyadharshini
Sr. Priyani |
03 |
320 |
4. |
Kelaniya |
Sr. Chathurika |
01 |
25 |
5. |
Maggona |
Sr. Navodhini |
01 |
20 |
6. |
Pundaluoya |
Sr. Elilaracy |
01 |
25 |
7. |
Chilaw |
Sr. Rangika |
01 |
23 |
8. |
Tetapola |
Sr. Therese Rani |
01 |
13 |
9. |
Polgahawela |
Sr. Mercy Jesmine |
01 |
18 |
10. |
Bandarawela |
Sr.Vijitha |
01 |
30 |
11. |
Mutur |
Srs.Darshana&Priyavadhani |
02 |
50 |
12. |
Trincomalee |
Sr.Daphne |
01 |
40 |
13. |
Akkaraipattu |
Sr.Vidhushika |
01 |
35 |
14. |
Batticaloa |
Sr. Gracelyne |
01 |
60 |
15. |
Kalmunai |
Sr.Thevaki |
01 |
44 |
16. |
SoriKalmunai |
Sr.Rajitha |
01 |
30 |
17. |
Atchuvely |
Sr. Delshiya |
01 |
20 |
18. |
Karaveddy |
Sr. Amali |
01 |
12 |
19. |
Adampan |
Sr. Anastilla |
01 |
27 |
20. |
Murunkan |
Sr. Elane |
01 |
32 |
21. |
Lidhar |
Sr.SaminaPatras |
01 |
25 |
22. |
Issanagiri |
Srs.Safia&Radia |
03 |
20 |
23. |
Gujranwala |
Sr.SoniaAqeel |
03 |
60 |
24. |
Lahore |
Sr.Razia |
01 |
30 |
Total |
36 |
1179 |